

  • please add me. thank you
  • Wow, Great Job! Getting ready to exercise now, thought I would check in...Going to keep focused on the net 1200 calories and not worry about the rest, Have a great weekend!
    in results Comment by pitaj24 May 2011
  • Im having the same problems since I started eating my "earned calories" I stopped loosing..So today Im starting to just have the "net calories, which is the 1200. Dont know what else to do.
    in results Comment by pitaj24 May 2011
  • I see that now, thank you..I had, had it for breakfast before, now using as a snack so couldn't find it. Now it should be under both. I'll get this all figured out soon..Thank you!:wink:
  • Im so glad to see that you take a day off in the week from this, I work 6 days a week and am really structured however on Sunday all my efforts seem to go out the door with the family caos...This weekend is my sons 10th bday and of course there is pizza and bday cake involved if I were to log this all my calories would be…
  • I didn't know that you could customize your goals. I will have to try that. I didn't think I was consuming that much protein per day just by some Almonds and some chicken =) Maybe its calculating my chicken wrong but even so I was way over yesterday to. I guess its better to be over in protein vs carbs! Thank you so much!
  • Fat free frozen yogurt does not defeat the purpose, but just like everything else its also about the portion control and being able to eat the frozen yogurt in moderation. I would struggle with that, but something like berries and coolwhip with walnuts Keeps me just as full as the frozen yogurt and I maintain portion…
  • Welcome!! I love the saying nothing tastes as good as thin feels, I remind myself daily how far I've come and that she who stuffeth puffeth. Im hoping that I'll find the accountabilty on here to take back the control I've lost.