Database foods

I'm finding the foods I use in the data base and some of them I use frequently. However they do not stay in "my foods" I have to search for them again, Am I missing a way to save them where I can easily access them?



  • chuckanderson
    "my foods' are stuff you save yourself - 'my maels' are meals you can put together on that tab at the top

    I think you're looking for 'Recently' or 'Most used' which are the first 2 tabs I think.

    The caveat - it goes by meal time, so each meal will have different foods in those first tabs
  • pitaj24
    I see that now, thank you..I had, had it for breakfast before, now using as a snack so couldn't find it. Now it should be under both. I'll get this all figured out soon..Thank you!:wink: