
magz80 Posts: 22 Member
Hi, my names magz, im new to this site, ive been on this for 3 weeks and ive only lost 500gms, im under my calories everyday and drink heaps of water. i walk most days and run around after 3 boys. where am i going wrong....... any idea's would be great :)


  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    overestimating your exercise and underestimating your calories eaten is the most common problem. So try to do the opposite.
  • magz80
    magz80 Posts: 22 Member
    thanks you so much ill give it a go, thanks for your reply :smile:
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Let's say you were eating 3500 cals with no exercise every day and thats how you gained weight.
    So now, you wanna lose as fast as possible. You eat 1200 cals a day with no exercise. That's your minimum deficit. You add 400 cals of exercise. Your deficit becomes 800. So you add back that 400 by eating it making it 1200 cals deficit again. So, you eat a total of 1200 cals, with exercise. (Remember that is the BARE MINIMUM! The more you lose, the more you need to intake.) That is still significantly less than what you were probably consuming before AND you don't risk putting your body into starvation mode nor do you risk being malnutritioned. WIN!
  • magz80
    magz80 Posts: 22 Member
    thanks for that, im on a 1470 calorie aday, by my weight height etc, i try to stick around 1300. so i guess im going wrong by not eating my earned calories. makes sence. i was always told not to eat the earned ones. how wrong i was :( could have lost more weight just by asking on hear earlier.
  • pitaj24
    pitaj24 Posts: 11
    Im having the same problems since I started eating my "earned calories" I stopped loosing..So today Im starting to just have the "net calories, which is the 1200. Dont know what else to do.
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Im having the same problems since I started eating my "earned calories" I stopped loosing..So today Im starting to just have the "net calories, which is the 1200. Dont know what else to do.

    Yes, you don't have to eat every single exercise calorie, but you HAVE to keep your net at least 1200. And the more you lose, the more that net needs to go up, because the more muscle you gain, the more your resting metabolic rate increases. And don't be afraid of strength training on top of cardio as it is way more important than you think for losing weight.
  • magz80
    magz80 Posts: 22 Member
    its hard hey, ive got almost 650 calories to go to eat my earned ones and to get up to 1200 and im so full
  • pitaj24
    pitaj24 Posts: 11
    Wow, Great Job! Getting ready to exercise now, thought I would check in...Going to keep focused on the net 1200 calories and not worry about the rest, Have a great weekend!