

  • Congratulations on your HUGE accomplishment! Way to go!
  • Thanks everyone. R has been away two days now, and honestly I've been so tired at the end of the day (working and single parenting) that I just want to go to bed after I tuck the kids in. Sadly, no evenings out and about. I like the idea of having healthy snacks ready to eat if I get the nighttime munchies, and keeping a…
  • Check out Andie Mitchell's blog at She has a lot of great ideas about low calorie, tasty options. I love her turkey avocado wrap made on a Joseph's brand lavash (I leave out the bacon in the original recipe) and I've got a great, filling lunch for 300 calories.
  • Definitely go see your doctor or Nurse Practitioner. That bump you feel can be a distended bladder. Something is keeping you from releasing urine... Could be a urinary tract infection or something else, but should be evaluated. Good luck!
  • Well done! You are an inspiration to us all (menopausal or not! ).
  • You look awesome, girl! Congratulations!
  • I never understand why people say "dont eat/drink (whatever) because you'll just pee it out". If you are peeing it out, you absorbed it, it worked it's way through your cells, and your kidneys are gettting rid of your body's accumulated waste with it. Drinking water is good, whether it's all at once or a bit at a time.…
  • Thank you so much for the welcome! It feels good to be DOING something, instead of just lamenting.