I eat keto and it's working very well for me! I eat about 1500 calories a day, and have lost over 40 pounds since mid October (with a week long break over Christmas where I ate whatever I felt like, which was basically ALL the fudge). I exercise maybe once a week. I'm pretty much never hungry, have more energy, and my skin…
My friend just balanced her paddle across the front of the board, but she would sit down if she started getting wobbly. I preferred to completely fall off instead of sitting down, and I laid the paddle across the board, but tried to keep a hand/foot on it, depending what pose I was doing. We also both buckled the little…
It's called the Pendleton Yoga Round Up. It's in a pretty small city in central Oregon that is more famous for the Pendleton Round Up that involves cattle and rodeo stuff.
EVERYONE! I DID IT! I finally got to rent a paddle board, and a friend and I went and tried things out and practiced for the yoga festival. I stood up first try, we both just paddled around for a half hour, then we spent an hour doing sun salutations and just trying different yoga poses to see what felt best. It definitely…
You can check out workout videos and books from your library. That's where I read NROL and You Are Your Own Gym, and they have an unexpected amount of workout dvds. I pay $10/month for GaiamTV. It's a streaming service like netflix, but has tons of workout and yoga videos (even Jillian Michaels stuff). It also has yoga…
Could you power walk or jog while she rides her bike? I take long walks with a three year old, and because of how the neighborhood and walking path is set up, I put her and her stroller (doll sized) into the big stroller, then jog while we're on the street, and she can get out and walk as soon as we're on the path. Going…
I agree with everyone that's said to use your inhaler before the workout, that helps me a ton. Also, try different things! I've got exercise induced asthma, and I can do some things with absolutely no problem, but others cause asthma attacks almost instantly. For me, HIIT workouts cause an asthma attack Every Single Time,…
Just wanted to throw this out there too: I get the shakes when I workout on not enough sleep. I've been waking up for a 5 am lifting class, and I alwaaaays shake during it, even when I'm not lifting that much. I can do the same routine, with heavier weights, and not shake when I get 7-8 hours of sleep, but when I get 5-6…
Yoga DVDs! Bob Harper's yoga DVDs are good, and incorporate a lot of strength stuff. Also, pretty much anything from Gaiam. I got Gaiam TV (a streaming service) and I love how you can sort through the dvds based on time, what body part you want to work, and so on. It's maybe $10/month, but it has tons of different stuff on…
This is extremely vague, but don't they have those ankle brace type things that are supposed to help prevent rolling your ankles? Something like this? I assume that will…
My favorite yoga instructor is male (and moving out of state in two weeks :( boo) and he's the best instructor I've ever had. Yoga was traditionally a mostly male, spiritual thing, until it started being incorporated into the exercise world. I'm not a male, but there are tons of guys with many different physiques in my…
Lost 3 lbs! I completely stopped tracking everything, stopped weighing myself, and only worked out when I really wanted to/had time. December is always insanely busy for me. I hosted 5 parties and went to 5 or 6 more, plus several brunches/lunches with friends in town for the holidays. I made a couple rules for myself, eat…
I live in the PNW, and really it just depends where you live. On the western side (Seattle, Portland) it's really rainy, but once you pass the Cascades it's mostly deserty. Where I live in Washington, we get about 5 inches of rain in a year. Also, I just want to say that exercise is great when you're dealing with mild…
Bow pose! When I'm doing that regularly, my back pain is completely gone. My gym is training a new yoga instructor though, and she has pretty much only done standing poses during the last few classes. :(
I don't consider myself a heavy lifter (yet), but when I started I could only do bodyweight squats. Now I'm squatting 50 lbs, 3x15. I'm just about to start stronglifts/5x5, so I'm really excited to see that number go up!
I agree with everyone above about 55 not being too cold, I took my retriever mix out for a walk last night when it was 22, and she loved it. In my experience, dogs are pretty good about letting you know when they're not comfortable. My current dog has never had a problem, she loves rolling in the snow to get completely…
Also, if you can check out some classes, even just once a week or sporadically whenever you can fit it in, I highly recommend that. I loved yoga, but didn't start feeling the mental benefits until I started going to a yoga class.
I love Rodney Yee! I just signed up for GaiamTV, where you can stream all the Gaiam videos. Tons of Rodney Yee videos, some Jillian Michaels stuff (I haven't looked at it closely because she's too intense for me), yogakids videos, and just tons of yoga and pilates and workout stuff. You can browse through it and sort…
My legs are strongest. My arms are probably the weakest. It is so weird how with some things, there is a huge difference in strength on the same body part. My upper abs are pretty strong, but my lower ones are much weaker. When working triceps, my left arm is so much stronger, I can do more reps with more weight than my…
Great recommendations guys! Thanks! I'm not exactly a beginner, I've been working with a trainer regularly for 4 months, know (and do) the proper form for everything (and I lift with a much more experienced friend, who keeps an eye on my form for me), I just am kind of tired of going in, picking up the sheet that has the…
Thank you! My library has Starting Strength stuff so I'll make sure to check it out today! And I love Staci the powerlifting hero. I'm still fairly new to weight lifting, so finding these guides is amazing. I feel like I want to learn ALL the weightlifting things!
I went to a running store to get some weight lifting shoes, and the owner was so nice and didn't laugh at me and educated me on why my request for "workout shoes" probably wasn't going to get me what I wanted/needed when I don't actually run much. I ended up buying a pair of Altra's. There's no drop and a wide toe box so…
As a regular practitioner of yoga, I'd say it's right for everyone, you included. Yoga probably isn't the best "work out" meaning you don't burn tons of calories and doing just yoga isn't going to significantly change your muscle mass (so don't go into it with those expectations), but it will help your balance and…
I love that I am looking forward to Thanksgiving because I won't feel like I'm too fat to eat. I love that I have to keep pulling old clothes out of storage because nothing in my closet fits anymore. I love that this all feels sustainable now. It didn't when I started, everything seemed overwhelming and working out felt…
I go to the gym (and find it totally worth the $25/month) because: My gym has a pool, and I love swimming, and soaking in the hot tub My gym offers a ton of classes that I like, I like having that structure and instruction I see a personal trainer at my gym and for me, it has been an amazing experience and I'm so glad I've…
I'm just wondering, what the heck does human breast milk have to do with anything? If you're trying to compare the amount of protein that babies get from breast milk with the protein recommendations for adults I think you're way off base. Babies have different nutritional needs than adults because of how their bodies and…
My cravings for sweet things have lessened! I was at the store today before work, and knew I needed to get something with carbs and calories to round out my day, and going to the bakery section wasn't my first thought! I also tend to get really intense cravings, like can't sleep, can't concentrate on anything, would…
Being completely honest, you would scare me to death if you were my personal trainer. I'm working with a trainer right now, and I love it. I'm also seeing results and have already recommended her to three different people who have hired her. Here's what she did that made me extremely happy: We had a "consulting session" in…
I personally have noticed a HUGE difference between when I wear compression clothes and when I don't in terms of dealing with DOMS. I am kicking myself for wearing looser sweats when I had a leg day last Saturday, my legs are just now back to feeling normal. Even this morning things felt off, and I'm usually never sore for…
How long have you been a gym member? I've been a member of my current gym since July (so about 4 months), and have consistently gone to this one. I've been a member of other gyms and never consistently went to any of them. How often & how long do you work out for? This really depends on my work schedule, when I'm work…