

  • I have started drinking the special k protein shakes for my breakfast just to keep from using all my cals before dinner time. I thought I would give it a try to see if it would keep me from getting hungry as often, but it's not really helped a whole lot, so if there are any other suggestions I would love to hear the answer…
  • I just hope I don't "fall off the wagon" too much it could start to hurt haha! I like the support that I see everyone giving eachother here. I will definatly be looking at some of the questions and advice on here. Thanks for making me feel welcome!
  • Hello everyone! I am just starting out with MFP but I have already lost 2 pounds. I started as a skeptic on 2/7/11 but it has become an everyday log in that I can't do without. If anyone has any suggestions for me to help me on my way please feel free to let me know.
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