Hi I'm New

Hello everyone! I am just starting out with MFP but I have already lost 2 pounds. I started as a skeptic on 2/7/11 but it has become an everyday log in that I can't do without. If anyone has any suggestions for me to help me on my way please feel free to let me know.


  • dieseljay74
    Welcome...you will love it here!
    The food and exercise tracker is great isn't it....makes it much easier to watch your daily intake. Congrats on the wieght loss already!
    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    Whatever you are doing seems to be working :)

    Just keep at it and do your best. We all have one day here and there where we just kind of fall off the wagon so to say, but don't dwell on those days and keep moving.

    The community here is very supportive and if you have any questions, take a peek around the boards as others probably have had the same question and if you don't see your question, ask around!

    Good luck :)
  • jljenkins
    I just hope I don't "fall off the wagon" too much it could start to hurt haha! I like the support that I see everyone giving eachother here. I will definatly be looking at some of the questions and advice on here. Thanks for making me feel welcome!
  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello and welcome! Congratulations on your weight loss, lets hope you continue on a successful journey.

    This site is great....and slightly obsessive. You will find lots of tips and support.

    Feel free to add me, i am happy to give support whenever i can....it is also welcomed! Good Luck :-)
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    I just hope I don't "fall off the wagon" too much it could start to hurt haha! I like the support that I see everyone giving eachother here. I will definatly be looking at some of the questions and advice on here. Thanks for making me feel welcome!

    You are allowed a fall here and there...but remember that you can get right back on whenever you want, since this is all up to you :) Good luck!
  • 69698
    69698 Posts: 3
    new myself so wish us both luck :smile: