ZacPynn Member


  • Born in London, England, now in western France.
  • Very useful system and site. I like it a lot. I'll get the hang of it but I don't know HOW to look for good data yet. I have to enter something and then look to see if it seems accurate from my limited knowledge. The "non-approved" ones without an asterisk seem to be more reliable for sodium. All the calories, carbs and…
  • I searched to find what TDEE meant and found it here after a few searches. The post with the list is really useful. I wonder if is worth asking admin if they could make it into a "sticky" so that it always appeared at the top of the list, or include a link in the welcome email?
  • Hello StrongSmartBe, My face goes red and my stretch marks (1967) still go pale pink when I make a LOT of effort. This means that the stretch marks actually show up less on my untanned tummy skin. Scars, a similar colour when at rest, do not go pink. Just tried to recreate the effect with four X 1 minute of jumping on the…