LaserOctopus Member


  • Hahaha! Love it!
  • Yay, boobies! But I'm waiting patiently for mine to shrink a bit. I'm at 44F. The smallest I've ever been was 34DD, and that was in 7th or 8th grade (at 5'6 - I'm 5'10 now). I would *love* for my boobs to become a bit more manageable. I'd love to be able to buy shirts that are normal-cut on other people without them…
  • I'm so stealing this. It will have to be four tens, though, since I'm 41...
  • I'm still looking for the right one, but I've tried the cheapest ones, so far. My current is a Glamorise in 44F, and it's mostly acceptable. It doesn't hold up to super high impact stuff, but it's better than anything else I've tried so far. Pretty comfortable for the most part. The biggest problem I have is that the…
  • Hahaha! Awesome topic. I'm 5'10. So: I carry all of my weight in bum and above. My legs are normal size. And it only looks worse after a lifetime of slumping over from being tall and top-heavy... Pants are never long enough, or, if they are, they're significantly more expensive than the same pants in "normal" length. One…
  • One of my favorites, from long before I was watching what I put in my face. They've got some great varieties. I particularly like the tamale verde and the rice mac and cheese. Not just because my name is Amy, either. I've been known to buy their canned stuff, pizzas, and frozen burritos, too.
  • This is one of my once-a-year reads. You can't go wrong with either author on his own, together they're just plain magic. :)
  • I'm not a teacher, but a student with no lunch break. Classes on my long days are two hours each, so I take a few sticks of string cheese and eat one when I'm lugging my 35-lb (yes, I weighed it, lol) bag of homework and equipment to the next lab/class. On the days when there's a break between classes, I will either do the…
  • I love used books. They have an extra story. Are they a lost favorite (we *all* have those books we read once or twice or even thrice a year)? A mismatched book and reader, separated? An idea outgrown? Or worse, an idea abandoned? A gift, discarded? Or spurned? Is there a reader somewhere, having passed on, leaving his…
  • Haha! The only reason I can do it right now is that my life is super-busy these days, barely any time for reading for fun... Otherwise, yes, I am one of those people who will bring home a bag of books from the local new/used or the nearest multi-story independent bookstore (not that we have those here, where we often come…
  • I thought I was the only person who had ever read this :) As you suggest, it's definitely not introducing any new ideas or surprises or anything (and I suspect the author read a *lot* of the same authors I did growing up, lol), but it's a fun, easy read nonetheless. It is somewhat tame for Dystopian, but not in a bad way.…
  • Everybody has those good and bad days, believe me... sometimes it's as hard to mentally overcome those as it is physically, especially if you're in a situation (like most of us, really) where you get little outside motivation, have tons of stress and responsibility, and are not used to giving yourself or your health the…
  • When I finish my measurements for today and put in my new weight, I will have lost an automobile tire. Hard to believe, almost. :)
  • I log daily, and try to encourage my friends every time I come by. I do also comment on other things and make occasional observations about life and such. Feel free to check out my profile and comments and whatnot and send me a friend request. :)
  • Tuscon is *definitely* a lot nicer than Phoenix, no question. But I would not be surprised to learn that you're also still in the 100s right now... I live in that extra-scorching part of my own (temporary) state, that super-hot band that runs from Death Valley (only 129 this summer!) and parts of the Mojave, up through…
  • Awesome, lol. Monsoon suggests AZ/NM - I have had the misfortune of living in Phoenix, didn't like it, though some of the other desert areas are actually quite lovely. Here, we get summer and slightly-less-summer, but they could just as easily be labelled: it's hot, it's *really* hot, it's a hundred and HOW many?, what is…
  • Wait. Summer goes away? :laugh:
  • Oooooh, I do love fall. We don't have it here. I also love winter. We don't have that here, either. First thing I'm gonna do when I my job here is done and I can go back home is play in the snow. Even if I have to drive up to 10000 ft to do it! Fall you can wear all of your nice clothes, it's cool enough that you can do…
  • What I loved about that series, other than the awesome and oft-imitated stealth gameplay, of course, was the weird conversations you would overhear between the same two guard voices all the way through all of the games in the series (Dishonored, in all of its homage-y goodness, tries to replicate this, sometimes…
  • I'm a picky eater. I'm also super-sensitive to certain flavors, textures, or smells, i.e. there are certain foods that, if I put them in my mouth, I will instantly puke up everything I've eaten in the last ten years, including but not limited to: cooked carrots (raw are fine), mushrooms (texture issue), and raw red…
  • Ye gods, how did I forget Age of Empires?! I have lost so many hours to those games (mostly AoE2, same as everybody). That's right up there with Alpha Centuari for stealing days at a time from me...
  • What, *EVER*? That's too hard. Let's just go with the ones that I have lost the most time to, and gotten the most joy out of: Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn Alpha Centuari Fallout 2 Morrowind Skyrim Planescape: Torment I'll stop here, because otherwise I'll be here ALL DAY.
  • Feel free to add me, I've only been here for a couple of months, but I've made some progress. I log in every day, and try to leave encouraging comments for my friends regularly. If you have any nerd tendencies, then definitely add me, I'm a huge nerd/bookworm/math geek/gamer, et cetera.
  • I will take that under advisement (minus, perhaps, those ones like how I would be pretty if I were shorter, lol). My handy little pistol doesn't get as overused as it did when I was in my 20s, but it is still an indispensable tool, especially when it comes to choosing the people I have around me IRL. But, yes, I do…
  • Maybe that *is* what they are thinking, but I also used words like "intended" and "purposely" - implication and connotation are as much a part of communication as actual words. And that particular comment rarely comes as "your lawn looks good, but might look better if" so much as "your lawn would look good if." So let's…
  • True. But they all have that "You would be pretty if," as if that thing, regardless of what it is, is your only chance to have some redeeming value. Certainly most people look better as they get healthier, but the implication (purposely or not) in that particular type of back-handed compliment is that right now you're…
  • I get this kind of insult all the time: you would be pretty if you dressed like [insert random half-wit celebrity half my age here], you would be pretty if you changed your hair (both in it's current untreated state, and in every chemically-achieved color I ever had), you would be pretty if you were shorter (I'm 5'10), you…
  • <eyeroll> Silly people. This is why I am already making up completely preposterous and vaguely dirty reasons for my losses, and I'm only 14 pounds down so far...
  • "You look thinner. Have you been sick?" From a co-worker. Gee, thanks.