

  • Small female here. MFP tells me the same thing. I've tried eating 1200 calories a day, but then after a few weeks, just one bad weekend will destroy any progress. If you're already a healthy weight, loss at 2 lbs. a week will be really hard to maintain after you've lost the weight. Remember that the body adjusts your…
  • It's too difficult to determine calories burned so MFP doesn't include weight training in calorie burn. But, you can go to cardio and there is a weight training category. I give myself 200 calories for…
  • I get made fun of for eating greek yogurt with basically every meal. I use it with tuna to make tuna or egg salad (taste basically the same as with mayo), as "sour cream" with mexican-style dishes (my fav is spicy quinoa with chorizo, black beans, salsa, various veggies and avocado), for breakfast with some honey and…
  • I've spent the last six months lifting and seeing really slow results fat-loss wise (but wow am I stronger/buffer!). But recently, I bumped my calorie intake up 200 calories and that really helped. 1200 is really too low: I'm only 107 pounds, almost no cardio, and I eat 1500. Try a few weeks at 1500 calories and see if…
  • To those saying that you can't build muscle or get "big" legs from endurance training: You don't know what you're talking about. Distance running will definitely make your legs bigger and stronger, especially if hills are involved. As an ultrarunner, my quads, hamstrings, and calves were so large, I couldn't wear jeans or…