

  • Haha I think this just made my day! Keep up the good work! :D
  • Yes, I understand, and I completely agree with you. Thank youu. I'm really working my butt off to graduate! This whole month, though, has just been crazy! I just need to get back on track.
  • I have Comcast. And I chose work out videos from On Demand. There was one with her it was called like "One Last Chance" or something. I liked it, but she seems kind of mean. :/ I mean, I know I'm not like right there with herr, but idk. Hahaha. I like people who encourage me, and not yell at me. :P But that was just my…
  • Hahaha. :] I'll try stretching right when I wake upp. I know a feww yoga poses, or positions. Whatever you call em'. Thankk you for the suggestion. :]
  • Well, my only long day is Thursdays. :/ And I don't really have a choice because if I don't go to P.E then I won't graduate. :[ But maybe if I don't work out the day beforee, It won't hurt so bad on Friday!
  • Yes, they are a nightmare! Haha. But I wish I could do it 2 days instead of just on Thursdays, but that's not an option at my school. :[ But a few people have said to get some sort of muscle relief thingg so I might have to try that. Thank you! :]
  • Mmm bananas. :] Alright. I'll be suree to bring some bananas to school or something! :] And I always drink lots of water! I've cut out all soda. But I do drink crystal lite.
  • I like this. :] That's what I needed to hear ha! Last year, I tried dieting--let's just say i wasn't doing it the healthy way! I was obsessed with weighing myself, and always obsessed with everything that is put into my mouth. Then when I finally lost some weight I just gained it all back 10x worse. So, I don't want that…
  • Okay! Thank you. I was planning on weighing myself once a week, but yesterday I decided to get on the scale and it said I lost 3 lbs. And I just wasn't sure if it was because of weight fluctuation or not. But I'll just track my weight loss once a week!
  • Travis Mccoy. :] Since like 8th grade hahaha. Ahh mann.
  • Favorite Tv Shows: Jersey Shore (Lol), Degrassi, Roseanne, Ghost Adventures Movies: House Bunny, Step Brothers, 500 Days of Summer
  • What do you call a fish with no eye? Fshhhhhh.
  • "Knock Knock" "Who's there?" "I eat mop" "I eat mop who?"'ll figure it out lol. What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor? "Where's my tractor?" What did the man say when he walked into the bar? "Ouch." "Knock Knock" "Who's There?" and then you just don't say anything. That one always makes me laugh ahha.. or…
  • Thank you everybody! :]