lexcelsior Member


  • That's awesome! You look fantastic already! Great job! :D
  • Hehe... my boyfriend is 6'2", around 135lbs. He eats a lot (good and bad foods), doesn't exercise at all (a sedentary geek) and can't gain weight if you threw it at him to catch! He's almost a foot taller than me, but is my GOAL weight. Sheesh. He says he gets it from his dad, who's around 6'4" and is only gaining weight…
  • I'm not sure what your diet has been consisting of, but I know the two times I tried Atkins, I used to get headaches, too. Not all the time, but on occasion. It did go away once I got passed the first two phases and got to introduce more carbs. I'm not sure if lack of carbs or over-indulgence of meat was the problem. Maybe…
  • What? No before-and-after shots? ;)
  • hehe... Your starting weight is my GOAL weight. :) Have you tried yoga or pilates? Those are known to strengthen, while lengthening out muscles. Have you ever noticed how lean and toned yoga enthusiasts are? Not to mention "yoga butt". :) Don't give up though! Those last few pounds are always a b*tch. YOU CAN DO IT!! :D
  • What are you talking about? There's totally a difference! :D Great job!!
  • I know what you mean. It's so easy to fall back on bad eating habits. This is only Day 1 for me, but something I'm going to try is making a conscious effort to not buy bad stuff when I go to the grocery store. If it's not in my house, I can't eat it. :) I'm also taking the time to research easy, filling recipes that I'll…