suffering from headache

I was doing ok then i got the worst headache.I did not know what it came from can anyone help me?and is there any particular fruit that you are suppose to really limit yourself to?


  • lexcelsior
    lexcelsior Posts: 7 Member
    I'm not sure what your diet has been consisting of, but I know the two times I tried Atkins, I used to get headaches, too. Not all the time, but on occasion. It did go away once I got passed the first two phases and got to introduce more carbs. I'm not sure if lack of carbs or over-indulgence of meat was the problem. Maybe both, maybe neither. Also, too much salt and not drinking enough water sometimes triggered it.

    Hmm, not sure if that helped you at all. Heh.
  • JenniferTasso
    JenniferTasso Posts: 77 Member
    drink lots of water!! can literally flush it out...I was told a gallon a day...however being that I am a school bus driver..I can't,,,(since I can't just step off the bus to use the restroom) and I have a good 2 1/2 hours per run steady on the bus
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Are you eating a lot of products with sweeteners in - they can be a major cause of headaches. If you are following Atkins then I don't know about fruit, but on most diets it's probably a good idea not to eat too many bananas, due to the potassium in them.