

  • This sounds great! I replaced all pasta with broccoli slaw which I microwave in a vented container with about 2 tablespoons of water for about 6 minutes. Makes a great "mock" spaghetti. Think would be great with this sauce.
  • Sounds like good favors. Would love to try.
  • Have you thought about getting a Fitbit or other fitness tracker? I have a Soleus Go and love it. Just a thought. Would lend you mine if I lived a bit closer.
  • Can you go up hills with this? Looks interesting!
  • It took me about 10 months to lose most of the weight. The last 5 are tough going. My goal is to drop the last 5 by the end of summer but there is so much fun stuff going on in the summer time it's even tougher!
  • Hi my name is Rachelle and let me begin by saying I think I've tried every diet known to man only to lose the weight and gain it right back. On March 1st of last year I decided enough is enough and began a healthy "diet" journey. Bought a Vitamix and, based on the recommendation of my Internal Medicine doctor, I started…
  • I also weigh myself every day. I lost over 65 pounds last year and want to make sure I keep myself in check and the only way to do that is to know where I am weight wise. If I see the scale creeping up, say 2-3 pounds, I address it immediately and take it right off. Conversely if there is something special ie date nite…
  • I love the "try on tight clothes" test. Awesome job. The scale will catch up and show the loss. On a side note I noticed you have exercised quite a bit lately. I few days ago took a new class at the gym and used muscles I didn't even know I had and have been quite sore for the past few days. The scale has gone up with my…
  • I use broccoli slaw. I know it's a vegetable but when microwaved for about 5-6 minutes with about 2 tablespoons of water it has almost the same consistency as spaghetti and picks up the flavor of whatever sauce you use. It's a favorite for me as a substitute. :tongue:
    in Pasta Comment by 1happydogg January 2014
  • I love pasta and have a favorite replacement-broccoli slaw-which I LOVE almost as much as pasta. I love to make homemade marinara sauce with homemade turkey meatballs and store-bought hot italian turkey sausage served over broccoli slaw. Sprinkle on a little fresh grated parmesan and you have a low fat, low carb and low…