

  • :happy: I'm all familiar with that! As long as we always get back on right? Started again Monday myself, and got my husband to do it with me, so hopefully it will be easier!
  • Thanks, and best of luck to you as well!
    in Hello all! Comment by dwinny March 2011
  • I'm starting all over again today. I've not been doing well so my husband and I began the Nutrisystem program. I've been on it before. I feel like I need a new jumpstart! I've gained back the few pounds I lost. :( Ugh...We have a big trip planned in April and I wanted to have lost 20 lbs! I don't know if 4 weeks is…
    in Hello all! Comment by dwinny March 2011
  • Yeps! I know it's hard when your really crampy or sometimes I'm so tired I feel drugged! But I've found that if I could just do something for 30 mins, I'll feel better...alot of these ladies are right, I think it would depend on how YOU feel!
    in Ladies!!! Comment by dwinny March 2011
  • I hear ya! So tired of gaining it back!!
    in Hello Comment by dwinny March 2011
  • Most definitely it doesn't count! My ABs Diet book says timing isn't the monster, it's what you eat...not when. Congrats on working out hard too! The body needs that fuel, plus I'm sure it burns it overnight since it's still working!!
  • Yes, its nice to have others that can relate to your stories and issues. You can do it girl! I know with kids it can be distracting, you want to focus more on them than yourself!! You can definitely get support here!
  • Welcome! I can relate to the fluctuating weight loss! We're all here to help! Wanting it is the first step.
  • I know all too well how you feel. Although I've quit smoking for almost 10 years now, when I did quit, I immediately started working out every day for at least 45 minutes. It was hard as hell, but I set a goal for myself. I was going to Florida in those two months, so I knew I wanted it! But that's where I fall flat, I…