

  • My sister uses them and I've done a lot of research on them. They really do work for her as far as tightening and stretch marks (she had a baby) From what I understand you have to drink A LOT of water before you use one and basically what it does is chemicals on the wrap soak into your skin/blood and "attack" fat cells…
  • Half Korean half Scandanavian, 5'11" current 185 lbs goal 145lbs I'm hoping to find a friend or two who can totally relate to the pressures and tough love comments by asian parents. Like my grandmother yelling at my mother because she can't buy me clothes from Korea because I can't fit into Universal size (like a US 4) -_-
  • @Angie Hey I'm 5'11" and my goal is 145! The smallest I've ever been is 155 but I had a ton of muscle (Swimmer and Soccer Player lol) I just want to be thin not so jacked up like I was in high school lol
  • Dude I TOTALLY know what you mean, I also have insanely long legs and no matter what when I did when I did those, mountain climbers, planks my back always felt weird and I felt like my butt was way in the air and stuff, it was super awkward! I started doing Jillian michaels kick-boxing DVD instead and that was a lot more…
  • You're in the right neighborhood lol I never realized HOW tall I was until I started looking around the boards and it was like omg these people look like I do but weigh 145 pounds and are 5'2" where as 145 is my best case goal hahaha
  • Awesome guys thanks! I weighed 155 in high school but I was really muscular so I'm trying to compensate for that and my goal is 145, I know for our height that's tiny but I have a tendency of setting an extreme goal aand I'm also half Korean so that's some pressure =p