alispatred Member


  • Hi I'm looking to lose body fat and gain lean muscle do not want to lose anymore weight any idea what % carbs fats and protein I should be eating. thanks
  • the equipment at the gym is base on a average male, weight height so on, so it will never give a correct reading. you also have to take into account back ground calories these are the normal calories we burn during the day. the best thing is a heart monitor with a watch which doesn't start burning calories until your heart…
  • Hi I go to the gym quite a lot and need to eat protein to help with muscle rebuild, so Monday to Friday I have a protein shake in the morning 20g of protein, scrambled eggs and 1 toast for breakfast. lunch, a large tin of tuna with a salad. evening meal either turkey fillet, chicken fillet, steak, or salmon and either…
    in Protein Comment by alispatred April 2015
  • New to here, but wow thats some serious lifting, i do lots of carido and really do need to get my head around lifting heavier weights. Has anyone got a weight lifting programme they work to. thanks