

  • I just Google what kind of exercise I want that day and pick one i like.
  • I use Ovaltine. Easy and has extra vitamins.
  • I usually fry up a small potatoe with about 1/4 of an onion in tbls of coconut oil then add 1 egg to that. It gives me energy and keeps me full.
  • Please feel free to add me. I am logging every day, and participating in the social aspects most days. :)
  • Hearing my doctor say that I fell into the obese catagory. My mom is obese, very ill, and has been most of my life. She isnt even 50 yet and will be lucky to make 60. I dont want my son growing up with seeing me like that. I decided to stop using my fibromyalgia as a crutch to explain why i wasnt taking care of myself. My…
  • I would love to be part of the challenge. Please invite me. I have a pass with my little boy to a waterpark and dont want to be embarrased when i am there. And a challenge gets me going so much easier than trying on my own.
  • I'm 28 and have been logging for over a month with the exception of 1 day. Anyone please feel free to addadd me to help us all stay motivated.
  • I recently found a new treat. Harvest Peach Herbal tea. It sounds strange, but it tastes like peach strudle, and i get to have multiple cups a day with no guilt since there are no calories. And for when I get the munchies, almonds, except the calories add up quick, but at least it is healthy and gives me some energy.
  • Hello. I have been on MFP for a while, but never stick with it. I am determined this time because of my son. I am a single mom to a wonderful (at times :smile: ) little boy. I have recently been told by my doctor that i am obese. I want my boy to grow up to be healthy, and am now trying to set a good example for him. I get…