I do mostly salads for lunch. You can do so many different varieties of them so it doesn't get boring. I just Google salad idea and there's so many. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
YOU LOOK AMAZING!! You're a real inspiration!
I totally agree....just count them and put in baggies or containers. So much cheaper.
DO NOT be embrassed! You look AMAZING!!
It's gonna happen. Just get back on track tomorrow. You'll be fine ;-)
I find this all the time. I try to go do something to distract myself...go do a load of laundry or take the dog for a walk, anything and the feeling passes. good luck!! Send me a message when this happens and we can chat until it passes.
I just started using this today. I'm loving it! Keep up the good work!!
I've done that kicks your butt!! Good Luck!! I think I might start tomorrow.
You can do it!!