Food for thought

How do you keep food off your mind? Since cutting portion sizes and lowering my caloric intake all I can think about is food. I feel like I'm always hungry. Does any one else have this problem? How do you deal with it?


  • ashleighk2010
    I picture myself in a bikini... but that probably won't help you. :laugh:

    But seriously... it's hard at first. It does get much easier (I don't even think twice about it now) but the best advice I can give is what I got.

    PLAN frequent snacks for specific times, and make them good ones (anything with protein!) That way when you reach for something to eat you can think 'oh, in x minutes I am going to have such and such a snack, so I don't need this. Also since your snacks will be thoughtful, healthy snacks that you designed to fill you, hopefully you will be hungry less often than you would if you just ate whatever junk you came into contact with.

    =] Good luck!!
  • vanfox23
    vanfox23 Posts: 110
    try to do other things when you think of food...maybe a hobby or puzzle book? Or even chew gum. That helped me until I realized I have TMJ. It hurts my jaw too much to chew gum now :(
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Ever try to NOT think about something? That's exactly where your head will stay. Only thing that is likely to work really is thinking about something else.... Brush your teeth. Take a walk. Move to a different room. Take a bath. Go outside and pull a few weeds. Empty the trash. Take a picture of yourself semi-naked. Ooo that last one might be the scariest!

    Good luck. We are all fighting the same battle. Yeah for shared misery and motivating success stories!
  • Kellg03
    Kellg03 Posts: 10 Member
    I find this all the time. I try to go do something to distract myself...go do a load of laundry or take the dog for a walk, anything and the feeling passes. good luck!! Send me a message when this happens and we can chat until it passes.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I found eating more often works for me. If you are eating.. say every 2-3 hours (ofcourse smaller portions, not big honkin meals), even though you may be thinking about food, it won't be very long before you can have some again :)