For people that see you constantly, it will likely take a while for them to notice. I've gone from 240lbs to 221lbs in the last two months and no one I see regularly has said anything. However when I went home and saw people I hadn't seen in a few months, I got compliments. I can understand the importance of positive…
There is nothing wrong with a 24 year old who’s broke, living with their parents, and has suffered through some harsh break-ups. That’s reality for most people. Focus on your goals, focus on healing, focus on yourself. Your friends are saying positive things because they believe them. That’s why they’re your friends in the…
I have it, although it doesn't bother me anymore. They're right, in most cases it stops hurting once you're fully grown. I think i stopped noticing it around 19-20. I do remember the doc saying they could try to correct it surgically if I continued to be in pain as an adult. Nothing i used as a teenager made much of a…