Constant Pain

just a shot in the dark,

has anyone on here had any success with the treatment of Osgood Schlatters disease? any reading i can find only really refers to the condition in children and it shouldnt be a problem in adult hood.

any time ive been to my GP, there refer me to a physio, that doesnt help, i go back to my GP and they recommend rest,

now usually i would accept this advice, but i was diagnosed with osgood schlatters when i was 10.. im 23 now, how long should a condition be left in this kind of treatment cycle.

ive seen a few "patella straps" that supposedly cure the problem, has anyone used one of these



  • andthevolcano
    andthevolcano Posts: 3 Member
    I have it, although it doesn't bother me anymore. They're right, in most cases it stops hurting once you're fully grown. I think i stopped noticing it around 19-20. I do remember the doc saying they could try to correct it surgically if I continued to be in pain as an adult.

    Nothing i used as a teenager made much of a difference; straps, wraps, etc. Sorry to hear it's still a problem for you.