

  • You go, Girl!!! You can do this! Everything's heading in the right direction for you in life . . . watch those calories, exercise 30 minutes a day . . . drink lots of water . . . stay determined -- and watch those pounds slip away!!! Congratulations on all that's happening in your life. My very best wishes to you and have…
  • Hi, Ratosha. I hope that's not your friends that give you that "positive" motivation!! I've only been here for a couple of weeks -- have lost 3+ lbs. I think this is a great site. Really an eye-opener as to how many calories you're putting in your body for such a small moment of YUM!! (For example, the 5 Girl Scout cookies…
  • Good luck!! I have to tell you -- I'm pushing 61 (next month) and have never in my lifetime counted calories or been on a diet. But my sister pointed me towards this site, as I wouldn't mind losing 20 lbs (lost 10 last year with my Wii) -- and I love this! I really enjoy watching what I eat and am amazed at how quickly the…