

  • So many good-looking recipes! I hope to make green smoothies my standard breakfast. :) (New and looking for friends, add me if you like)
  • I can relate to some of the things you are feeling. When i don't feel good about myself i don't want to leave the house to do fun things with my bf and our friends. They are all very active and encourage me to go with them, but i end up excluding myself because of my self-consciousness.
  • You have a good idea to ease your way to lower calories. I think some of my past attempt at weight loss were abandoned because it was too big of a change all at once. :)
  • Hi, everyone pls add me! I am on day 3 of MFP and already finding the community here amazing motivation.
  • Well done trying again. Try not be discouraged when progress doesn't go as expected. If you are in it for them long term you might have to try many different excersize/food combinations to find what works for you. Look through the forums and I bet you will finding someone in a similar situation. I have just starting again…
  • Welcome back! Pls add me. Just remember that you never true fail if you keep coming back to try again. I have been there and its hard to admit to your self, but everyone will support you once you do. :)
  • Friend request sent. I think we would get along. I am just starting out with MFP, but am already finding the community aspect motivational. Aside from health goals of find the idea of being a vegetarian appealing but not practical for me currently and I do enjoy meat. At the moment I buy local and organic when I can,…
  • Hi, anyone add me! I am just starting to use MFP and have high hopes but it will be easier and more fun with friends.