hbb86 Member


  • Thank you, I'll take a look at it right now :)
  • Thank you! I know the way I reacted was probably too heated, but I'm desperate to do well. I've let myself down my entire life and because of that it's held me back in so many different ways that I'm actually even ashamed to talk about. I expected everyone to just say "woooo! go you! Don't forget to exercise on a Saturday…
  • First off, I am so so sorry to hear that about your mum. I hope she is able to recover. It's true that sometimes I get to desperate points where there's nothing I wouldn't do to loose this weight but I've been there and done all of that before. It just made me fail and I'm tired of failing. I won't fail anymore. I will do…
  • Hi there I weigh 128KG and I am 5,7 tall. I have a sedentary job where I am at a desk all day long. I was told by my doctor that I'm doing everything right and that if I see too much weight loss (more than 4lbs per week) after 3 weeks, I should increase my calories so not to waste muscle and so not to get loose skin. After…
  • Thank you I really appreciate that. what I didn't explain is that I have let myself down time and time again. I don't want to do that again which is why when people say "when you fail" I get upset. I'm not trying to play the stupid card, I know what I need to do to loose this weight. I just wanted some support.
  • I don't typically consume less than 700 calories and I'm not done logging for the day. I've been overweight my entire life. I've tried every diet under the sun. This time, I've done it completely differently. I am doing everything I can possibly think of and my doctor recommended coming on to a forum like MFP for…
  • Haha sorry! I completely get it, thank you for your advice and encouragement. I'm not new to dieting, I've tried and failed in other ways. This time, I've done it completely differently. I'm eating really well and doing everything I can possibly think to do. I didn't realise that made me a devil on these boards. I've spent…
  • Thank you very much! I will look into that Just FYI - this was all I was looking for. Friendly advice that encouraged me at the same time.
  • Why don't you re-read what I said? I have a bad attitude yet every single person who commented on my post said I wasnt going to achieve my goal? Well done for jumping on the bullying bandwagon. I've read other forums before who have said MFP have some horrible people but I have always defended it. I'm very sorry for not…
  • What's wrong with having some cheerleaders to encourage me? I don't mind people giving me advice, just don't say "you're going to fail". All you did for example was come on here and have a go at me. No advice whatsoever. Whats the point in that?
  • Have you got anything positive to say or are you just here to have a pop? Anything for you people to say "Aha! I;m right you're wrong, you're doing it wrong". Hows about, "Hey, maybe try adding some more calories to your diet so you don't burn out too quickly"? Not, "THATS DANGEROUS!" I came here for support. As in "Good…
  • That is literally disgusting. I am trying my best at this and only asked for some encouragement. All I got back was 'you're doing it wrong' or 'prepare for failure'. The "inevitable" post where I fail? you literally have disgusted me with that. I would never wish failure on anyone, seems you would.
  • According to my doctor, I'm doing it just right considering the nutritional values of the food I'm eating. I think she knows best. Point proven about the "I told you so" thing though.
  • MFP recommend 1400 for me, but because I want to loose a large amount of weight, I'm consuming less than 1200 and exercising on top of that :smile: )
  • I'm being mean? I came here for support and you instantly tried to prepare me for failure. You then quoted a line from the WW disclaimer about how much weightloss they should encourage. I'm not even using WW! I'm trying to loose 2lbs which judging by what you quoted, is what they recommend.
  • It is a stupid point when I had already said that different teachers might encourage different things and I even provided an example of a friend who lost 50lbs in 9 weeks and was told she was their star student. I'm not even using WW, and I certainly dont need anyone to quote a line from a legal disclaimer to me. I'm…
  • Apparently typing in capital letters will make me re-read my own words more carefully? Erm, no. I know what I said, but as I said three times already, I came here for support not a way to prepare for failure. If all you came here to do was jump into an arguement you had nothing to do with, don't bother. As I said, my…
  • Get the impression that some people on here have had problems achieving their goals, so they think that I should be the same as them in order to justify it. I came on here for motivation and support. So far, I've seen such catty responses about how it is 'extreme'. If my doctor says to aim for 2lbs per week, then I think…
  • Finally, someone who isn't negative. THANK YOU! I am enjoying it, I feel so proud of myself for reaching my nutrition goals and for exercising. I know I have a long way to go but thanks to my attitude and support from people like you, I know I will do it.
  • How is 2lbs unsustainable? You're already trying to prepare me for failure before I've set off which is what is disappointing. I've seen it time without number on MFP. I completely appreciate your thoughts and thank you genuinely for your advice.
  • As I said, it's perhaps different with different teachers. I have one friend who lost 50lbs in 9 weeks and weight watchers called her their star student. If that's not encouragement I don't know what is - I'm trying to loose a perfectly healthy 2lbs per week and some people have been nothing but negative.
  • I'm not doing rapid bleeding weight loss! 2lbs a week is perfectly attainable and healthy. Im not trying to loose 20lbs in 6 weeks, 12lbs is more like it.
  • Well I did see that. Every person said "it's a big defecit, hard to maintain" "I wouldn't be able to do it" It's all negative and in my opinion, disheartening. weight Watchers do encourage 5/6lbs weight loss - I've had family and friends use it. Perhaps it's different with different teachers. As for the timeline, that's…
  • I haven't even looked at your nutrition but I can already tell that 80% of your problem is your mindset. If you never stop trying, then you're never gunna fail. Just keep trying. You can do this! x
  • Thanks so much everyone! I WILL do this. It's not a huge deficit. If you go to any nutritionist or doctor to ask for advice on how to loose weight they tell you "2lbs per week is what we aim for" and places such as weight watchers etc often see their members loose 5/6lbs per week. In a few cases, even more. I love how…
  • Thanks so much for your reply and well done on loosing almost 20kgs!! I know it will be hard for sure, but I figure it might balance out - since I've only just really started out it's probably likely that I'll loose more initially then it will slow down. I hear all these stories about people who have lost 100lbs in 6…
  • You look incredible and I'm sure you feel incredible too - I need some of your motivation! I have about 80lbs to lose - feels like a never ending journey at times - congratulations on your success! x
  • Hi lovely! I'm not an expert - in fact, I'm at the beginning of my journey - but I do the exact same as you - I eat such rubbish over the weekend but I have found a few things help! Have a "cheat" meal rather than day - Tell yourself in the morning that you must eat healthily throughout the day because you're having a…
  • Jeeeeeeeeso! Loosing that amount in such a small space of time is - in my opinion (maybe I'm just jealous - unhealthy. Having said that if it works for you, then great but personally I would aim to loose 2lbs a week and that way maintenance is so achievable and realistic without forcing it. In terms of not noticing any…