

  • I was actually really surprised to find that the fruit-on-the-bottom yogurts and a lot of low-cal ice creams are actually just sugar bombs. Sure, they're often low cal and low fat but loaded with sugar. For yogurt, I switched to Chobani and, for ice cream, I switched to Halo Top ice cream. You do have to be really careful…
  • I strongly prefer whey, mostly because of taste, but it does have higher calories. I've also been trying to get my protein naturally before and after workouts through foods.
  • Mmm that sounds so good. I must must must must try it. I'm actually going to use my favorite healthy ice cream, Halo Top Creamery, and try to still keep it tight. Mmmm can't wait!
  • For me, it's about the body fat percentage. It's not just that I want to lose weight, I want to lose the right KIND of weight - and that's where exercise comes in. I feel that exercise helps me to build/maintain muscle and lose fat, thereby decreasing my body fat percentage. I also find that it actually energizes me, as…
  • Unfortunately, I can't help and let you know what you're doing wrong but I can tell you that this inspires me to keep doing it. You're working so hard and it's so inspirational. Keep at it, even if it's slow and steady, just keep doing what you're doing!
  • OMG delicious. Can't wait to try this.
  • Phenomenal! You look amazing. Truly inspirational!
  • I've tried it too and failed, was always just too hungry on it. Does anyone have any other good ideas for similar challenges? I just joined and am looking to start dieting and exercising but need ideas!!! :smile: :smile: :smile:
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