tchoo3 Member


  • Thank you for replying! Yeah what I'm supposed to be maintaining at is about 1900 calories and I'm only at 1600. I've been pretty positive about this whole process so I think this is a little breakdown. I can feel my lifts getting stronger. I'm trying to focus on strength rather than aesthetics. My clothes still fit fine…
  • Finally up to 190g! Love my carbs :D
  • I would really love to give your motivation/encouragement but It's a little difficult to. I don't know how much you weigh or how tall you are but eating 500 calories isn't sufficient for anyone :/ I used to eat about 800 a day with 2-3 hours spent in the gym so I get where you are coming from. However, dropping your…
  • It tastes delicious to me :)) It has great macros and I'm not going to question them haha
  • If you really wanted to, whipping out a food scale wouldn't be silly. I do it sometimes too haha. But I usually just look up the nutritional info from their site. If they dont provide any, I would either get a healthy entree and indulge for the side or vice versa. Plus its only one meal, one meal isn't going to ruin your…
    in Eating Out Comment by tchoo3 July 2014
  • Well I'm slowly adding fat and carbs back in. But now I'm just a little disappointed because I repeat a lot of my foods :/
  • Will it really matter though? Because I am following my macros more than my calories..