ednaroberts1978 Member


  • You don't need to eat all of the calories suggested but you do need to eat at least 1200 calories a day, unless of course, you and your doctor have discussed a lower calorie diet. Based on the information that you gave when you set up MFP, it will have you eating at a calorie deficit so if you do hit the suggested goal…
  • Hi, please feel free to add me as well.
  • Way to go!! You're doing amazing!!
  • There are so many reasons to quit and everyone else has posted most of them. It's an expensive and deadly addiction. I have just hit one year of being smoke free 2 days ago and I feel so much better since quitting. Here's the thing, no matter what we post here the only person who can make the decision to quit is you. I…
  • Thank you for sharing your story. I have PCOS as well and I'm wondering if that's why I'm having such a hard time getting the weight off. It's so frustrating. I think I will talk to my doctor and see if he could recommend me to a RD to see if they can help me out. I didn't know there was a difference between them and…
  • Congratulations on getting rid of this addiction. In 7 more days I'll be 1 year smoke free. My drug of choice were the cowboy killers (Marlboro Reds). It's not easy but it can be done. I had a lot of help with an online smoking cessation forum on About.com. It provides a lot of information about quitting, and nicotine…
  • Hello, I just joined last night and looking for motivational people to help keep me going, so feel free to add me to you friends list! :)