charlatte987 Member


  • Thank you guys so much for all your responses!!!! I'm actually a commuter right now so I can control most of what I eat (lunch I go to the cafeteria and get either sushi or a whole wheat wrap with a ton of chicken in it). I've been off my water game lately, gotta get back on that. And I have been trying to be eating…
  • hey, add me!! I'm a runner, trying to make my college team. I'm recovering from some nasty shin splints so my cal intake is pretty low as of late, but usually it's more around 2400 with my normal milage and when i add weights and cross training into the mix. If I lose a few pounds that'd be great to get faster, but it's…
  • Quest bars are good. not amazing, but pretty good if you're looking for something with a good macro profile. they taste good too, but some flavors have kind of an aftertaste. try larabar ALT or the best bar ever. both of those have less protein than your typical protein bar, but they have more pure ingredients, and they…
  • It really doesn't matter in terms of weight loss, like has been said above. You may feel uncomfortable or get, acid reflux like symptoms and stuff (at least that's happened to me) if you eat right before bed. But if you're starving after 7PM, and need to have a midnight snack, if it fits in your calories, go for it.
  • Does it matter? You look freakin' awesome, i'm really jealous lol
  • Scratch biking or rowing, and even bodyweight. Doing push ups and planks hurt (I gues because I flexed the calves?) and rowing didn't go well either. Biking I can't go hard either. I'm so lost and upset. I don't want to start back from square 1
  • Thank you guys. I can do my easy runs no problem, but speedwork is already a *****. I did a speed workout (which really killed me, and I think that's what made my calf strain a grade 2), and I was so freakin' slow. Like, it wasn't even the injury, I was just SLOW. I've been biking, and as long as I don't push too hard, my…
  • Hey! I'm thinking you're looking for something along the lines of these? Not sure if that's what you're looking for, but I hope that helps. I've never worn them under shorts before though. Underarmour sells a lot of leggings/ knit tights for runners that are…
  • Thank you all so much for the help! I made a new "plan" that will probably be less taxing physically. However, i'm worried it won't be enough to maintain/ increase my cardiovascular endurance for biking. Opinions? M) Wendler's &Spin T) Wendler's & Easy Run W) OFF R) Wendler's & Hill Sprints F) Wendler's & Intervals S) Long…
  • Thank you very much for your reply!! My cardio sessions will probably be about 1-2 hrs for cycling (2 60-ish min rides). I'll probably do a sorta long run (1hr), and the other two about 45 min or so (one will be an interval session). Lifting would probably last 45 minutes too. I realize that the volume is very high, but I…
  • I just (literally yesterday), began to love morning workouts... Well, that's a bit of a lie. I've had one or 2 good ones before, but that was because I woke up at 4AM to run before I went traveling, and the excitement of being out that early when it was dark out got me through those workouts (I run by the way; back then I…
  • I would but that means waking up at 4 AM :c sorry haha
  • Thank you so much for the replies and support everybody! It's a bit overwhelming, but in a very very good way! Also, I talked with a few people on the site before, but i'm interested in hearing a few other people's inputs; For someone in my situation (a long distance runner, trying to lose a few), What kind of weight…
  • Thank you all for your replies! All very helpful. Also, about the possibility of diabetes, I probably should have mentioned in my original post that when I was younger and eating all those carbs, I was about 15 pounds heavier, and ate until I felt full. So, I would have those two bagels if I was still hungry for example; I…
  • Thanks so much for the great suggestions everyone! Will be sure to try editing my oatmeal, and the crepes for sure! The Weetabix and cookie recipes sound good too! Also, the ham is nitrate free :) Sausages, trying to find a good substitute currently haha.