Breakfast: Filling AND sweet?

charlatte987 Posts: 27 Member
Hi everyone! I'm a student who eats around 6:15, and I don't have lunch till 11:15, so I need some nice, filling breakfasts. Currently, I am having either

-Ham & Cheese Omelette w/ 2 Slices of toast and 1/2 Grapefruit
-Oatmeal w/ a Cup of Low Fat Milk & a spoonful of sugar, and 3 light jones breakfast sausages on the side, and 1/2 grapefruit

These both are around 500 calories, satisfy my morning time hunger, and keep me full until lunch, so i'm not ravenous and have an 800 calorie lunch. However, I miss my old breakfast of Cereal, Mocha Yogurt, and a ripe banana. It was extremely sweet and delicious, but only kept me full for maybe 2-3 hours, at about the same amount of calories. When I tried having a morning time snack, it only made me hungrier. I like my savory breakfasts, but I'd like to be able to eat something sweet that will keep me full too. Anybody have any ideas?

Also, please nothing with protein powder or stuff like splenda and stevia; not a big fan, and trying to eat clean. Sorry for being so picky!!!


  • metulchik
    metulchik Posts: 59 Member
    Try these breakfast cookies! They are "Whole grain, all-natural, gluten-free, vegan. No refined sugar, no oil, no butter. 100% clean-eating." I just made a batch and I think they are pretty good. I like that they are quick and easy to grab in the morning or eat on the go :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Crepes? 115g of flour, 1 egg, 250g of milk (yeah, I weigh it, I'm weird), that makes about 5 of them around 120 calories each, you can fill them up with whatever you want (sweetened ricotta, peanut butter, bananas, nutella, jam etc). Just need a good non stick frying pan.

    Or change your oatmeal and add fruit and cinnamon in it... or PB... or cocoa... whatever you like. Or make it some overnight oats with Greek yogurt. Or just have Greek yogurt with fruit, nuts, granola or whatever.

    Or you could make pancakes. I made these not too long ago and it was pretty filling for 500 calories (with syrup), but I don't know if pancakes box mixes are clean enough for you... whatever 'clean' means. I used some whole wheat all natural mix.

    Or check for ideas.
    In for more ideas though.
  • Savlona
    Savlona Posts: 84 Member
    How about Weetabix with a banana on top? Or something like this?
    Those breakfast cookies sound yummy, metulchik - wish we could get apple butter in the UK:)
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    I do thick greek yogurt frequently with a half a pack of splenda, a small bit of vanilla extract and what ever fruit i have handy diced and mixed into it. Comes in handy for my sweet tooth cravings as well ( cinnamon n sliced apples, berries ) I imagine some crushed nuts on the top would send it over the top!
  • Put in a bowl: Oatmeal, Banana, 12 raw crushed almonds, tablespoon raw honey, cinnamon. Put in a glass: 16 0z. coconut water. Sometimes I eat an egg or an orange as well. Full til noon easily. Also, if you want to eat clean probably ditch those sausages and the ham. They have some weird stuff in them.
  • charlatte987
    charlatte987 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks so much for the great suggestions everyone! Will be sure to try editing my oatmeal, and the crepes for sure! The Weetabix and cookie recipes sound good too!

    Also, the ham is nitrate free :) Sausages, trying to find a good substitute currently haha.
  • Oatmeal Cottage Cheese Pancakes

    (per single serving)
    1/2 cup of old fashioned oats
    1/2 cup of small curd cottage cheese (I use lowfat)
    4 egg whites
    1 tsp vanilla extract

    Put the above ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Grease skillet and pour batter into small circles. Cook until golden brown. Top with peanut butter, preserves, honey, syrup, etc. Enjoy! :)

    314 calories; 32 g carbs; 5 g fat; 34 g protein
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    Chocolate Covered Katie's Peanut Butter Chocolate Baked Oatmeal. YUM.
  • muamontreal
    muamontreal Posts: 109 Member
    overnight oatmeal !

    half a pack of organic oatmeat
    1-2 tbsp of 1% milk
    anyfruit you like , diced (kakis are my favourite)
    greek yogurt

    leave it in the fridge overnight !

    if you have some room for healthy fats : nuts on top

    nom nom nom :bigsmile:
  • mereditheve
    mereditheve Posts: 142 Member
    I completely understand that you miss having sweets -- however, I would actually advise that you continue with your current breakfasts. I also used to love sweet breakfasts -- french toast drenched in syrup, donuts, chocolate milk, coffee or tea with tons of sugar. I actually used to have mountain dew and cookies for breakfast when I was in college. Then I started cutting out sugar. I didn't like the taste of black coffee or unsweetened tea at first, but I also was not about to add artificial sweeteners to my diet. I was never a fan of eggs or meat for breakfast either. But over time that changed. Now, I don't crave sweets very often at all and I love the taste of black coffee and plain teas. It takes some time to change your habits and tastes, but it is worth it in the long run!

    I also have a list of foods that I think helped me not crave sweets. I don't know if they will work for you, but here it is:
    - Tuna
    - Grapefruit
    - Whole milk (Yes, whole milk. I even get the whole cream top milk delivered in glass bottles from the dairy)
    - Spinach
    - Green tea
    - Cashews and pistachios (they happen to be my favorites)
    - Smart balance peanut butter on celery sticks

    That said, I do still have desserts occasionally and when I do, I go for quality over quantity. So while I don't have sweets regularly, I also have never felt like I had to give them up or substitute them for healthier desserts as long as I keep it in moderation.

    If you do end up trying this, please let me know if it also works for you!
  • ryan_brookes
    ryan_brookes Posts: 1 Member
    I find that rolled oats are by far the most filling sweet breakfast.

    Mix them with coconut milk (not cream) a small amount of protein powder (i like chocolate) and some cinnamon to add a little kick and control blood sugars.

    Another treat would be a frozen banana chopped up into bite size pieces topped with vanilla greek yogurt. You can also add some crushed nuts for extra protein.