fireflyz2 Member


  • I'm the same height and build as you, but I don't think it is so much about the ab area. I was asked once when i was only about 10 lb overweight and had a very flat stomach just because I had on a loose shirt. But I agree, people shouldn't ask that sort of thing unless they know in advance!
  • I'm 5'10 1/2" and my current goal is to get under 225, then 200, then I will aim for final goal. Not quite sure where that will land, somewhere between 160 and 170 I think. Would love to get lower, but don't know if I can.
  • My memory of gelato and pizza in Italy is pretty much the same as yours. I remember asking for small gelato and not being able to finish it.
  • Not denying US portions are often oversized, although it is much less true of finer restaurants than in chains, but from what I've seen portions in comparable restaurants in the UK are very similar sizes, and Australia isn't much behind. Don't even get me started on the "traditional " UK breakfast: two eggs, two sausage,…
  • I don't know if I'm scared of them, but I loathe gyms for the same reasons you said plus a few others. That said, if / when you think you might try it again you might want to look at a small gym. I didn't join your usual gym, I joined a physical therapy place I go to for my back therapy so I could go work out there on…
  • I get where you are coming from, and if you are saying what I think you are (can't keep it in the house because you will keep on eating it all at once?) then Brenda probably has the approach for you. My approach, or what it is worth - I let myself splurge on the weekends. I don't bring chocolate into the house, ever. I buy…
  • Sorry to hear about the meds weight gain. I had the same thing happen, but I didn't know that the meds did it until Ia few years had gone by and I had gained a lot. A dietician finally told me. If your meds are like mine they slow certain things in the brain and as a side effect slow the metabolism. Just keep the faith,…
  • Will keep my fingers crossed for you that they have some shrimp rolls that you can fill up on...
  • I used to burn1000 occasionally, but to do it I was on the elliptical going fast for 90 minutes or so. I don't follow the mfp estimates. They seem inconsistent to me. I wouldn't count cleaning unless it is something major. Likewise i only count a small amount of what I have on the pedometer. (I may be shopping, but I…
  • I haven't been here long, but I am inclined to agree with most people, you probably have a better chance with friending guys, at least until people get to know you from you being in conversations, then maybe some of the girls might become friends. That said, I went back and read your first post, and it seemed like you were…