

  • Add me as well!
  • I'm gaining muscle in my arms which I do like, but its the excess weight around my stomach that I really want to see a change with and I'm not. I've stopped caring so much about what the scale says, but i'm still not seeing much results visually or by measuring.
  • MFP has calculated that I burn 1920 just from daily activity everyday. My net calorie goal is 1500 so the deficit 420 calories a day or 0.8lbs/week. I have however increased my activity at work (I do landscaping and such and the weather has become nicer) and I exceed my calories burned everyday as I try to either do…
  • Thank you all for the helpful advice! My diary is now open to see. Most of my activity is from biking since I bike to and from work, as well as at home for lunch. Today I also biked to the gym and went on the treadmill. I try and do cardio 5 days a week and lift weights 3 days a week. I understand that this may seem like a…
  • I would love to be a friend and motivator! I have been dedicated for over a month and am needing some more motivation myself.
  • I recently went back on birth control and felt the exact same way! I'd say for about a week and a half I ate all junk food possible. It was a couple days ago that I notice my clothes feeling tighter and I had gained some weight! Birth control is known to do that, so instead of getting down on myself I just made a more…