idacrue Member


  • I went from growing out of size 38X34 pants to feeling very comfortable in size 34 X 34 pants, and I went from 2x tee shirts and XL dress shirts to XL tee's and L dress shirts. I am happy with the way my clothes fit at my maintenance weight 6'1" 185 lbs, and I guess that is the main point, be happy with yourself.
  • I have been at my goal weight for about 2 months now and I seem to fluxuate between 180 and 187.....Yesterday I was 185 and today I am 182.3.....I am not going to worry until I get to about 190, then I will go back to being a good boy, logging, and cutting back on the intake.
  • Until I got here I never heard of "clean eating", and while loosing weight I exercised and counted calories period. In my opinion, the worst way to loose weight is to deprive yourself of the things you like to eat.
  • My wife and I weighed and logged everything we ate, and we still do while we are on maintenance. We also spent free time walking the neighborhood, and on weekends walking in parks etc. We would walk 4 miles every night and 5 miles on Saturday and Sunday. Walking helped pass the time between meals, when you are walking, you…
  • My wife and I started walking the same day we started using My Fitness Pal. I have lost 60 lbs, and she has lost 30 lbs. Last night I did 6 miles on the treadmill. Eat at a deficit and get whatever exercise you can. If you like to walk, then walk at a brisk pace and use the Runtastic App if you have a smart phone.