Who has lost weight NOT eating clean?



  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    I lost 49 pounds eating whatever I wanted and I drank like a fish at the weekend, I just ate and drank less than I use to and moved more ;-)
  • huv123
    huv123 Posts: 54 Member
    what's a cyclical ketogenic diet?
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    Yep I lost most of my weight this way, cleaned my diet up a bit at the end to help get the last few pounds off. Seems to help a little bit but not by the biblical proportions raved about by the die hard evangelists on here.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Me! I eat Chipotle at least 2x/week and go out to dinner at least once a week. I just keep under my calorie goal. During the summer I love fruit and will eat big bowls of it, but I can't stand vegetables so my winter eating isn't that great.

    Could I do better? Probably. Would I be happy eating just clean? No. And I wouldn't stick to it. I've found what works for me.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Yes, I have lost weight lots of times and lots of it not eating clean. However, I binge and eating clean helps me avoid foods that I know to be triggering. I just find it easier to avoid those foods. I was addicted to drugs about 15 years ago and I can honestly say it was harder to get off and stay off eating candy all the time than getting off drugs...for me. I have been clean 100 percent since 2002 re drugs.

    I don't want to, and based on my ED, should not count calories for the rest of my life. In fact, I shouldn't count them at all.

    When I don't eat clean, I find I have to count calories or I gain the weight back. When I eat clean most of the time except for treats out for special occasions, I don't have to count at all. I maintain very easily by just watching portion sizes.

    I guess it just depends on your lifestyle and goals. Many would prefer to count calories and have flexibility in their food. I would rather eat minimal junk food and not have to count calories at all. Plus, I've evolved to the point in my eating to where lots of processed foods give me immediate gas and bowel distress because I'm not accustomed to them. TMI, I know, but this whole post is TMI. The photos of things like Doritos and donuts are actually a real turn off for me. I don't even like the taste of that stuff anymore. I will eat treats from a decadent scratch bakery or good pizza or Chinese but eating a Twinkie has zero interest for me anymore. I could never eat a Dorito again and not care. I guess if I'm going to go outside my normal food choices, I am going to make sure it's the best stuff possible to splurge on (I'm kind of a foodie).
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    No one can answer the question until there is a definition of eating clean. Considering the people who 'eat clean' can't even agree on one then I think we can safely say that everyone who loses weight doesn't eat clean
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    I've lost about 28lbs in total in just under 2 years (yeah, it's been a long process) - just ate an aero chocolate bar (omg, was SO good)

    I eat cheese (omg, I LOVE cheese), pizza, burgers, chips (fries), pasta (I also love my pasta!).

    I always make sure my food is clean though - wouldn't want to eat food that's dirty and crawling with beasties and/or dust - wwww, that's just nasty!
    Anyway, I'm getting carried away with myself - just finished my last exam for the semester so going out to party tonight which means alcohol (yeah, I've lost weight while still drinking alcohol).

    Today certainly is a happy hump day!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    No one can answer the question until there is a definition of eating clean. Considering the people who 'eat clean' can't even agree on one then I think we can safely say that everyone who loses weight doesn't eat clean
    That is the belief around here. Yup everyone is a dirty eater regardless of what you eat......amazing isn't it, something as simple as everything on the planet has been processed to some degree so therefore everything is processed. It's like getting a get out of jail card.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I lost some of my weight eating crap foods, but for me lately it is a greased slide into a pair of bigger bluejeans. For a week or so I can count calories and munch away on small portions of ice-cream, cake, cookies, and Nutella (why oh why did I ever try that crack in a jar?). But during the second week all portion control goes out the window and I can pile on five pounds and then some, and it isn't water weight. I can really eat that much over my maintenance.

    Generally I can't afford the clean eating, organic, fruit and veggie filled diet some people manage to budget, but for me low carb is good enough and it keeps me off that slide. Sadly it too is more expensive, calorie for calorie, but it's worth it. Especially since I only have one pair of jeans and two shirts that I can wear when I'm over my happy weight, and I think I'm going to throw those out, too. Can't afford a new wardrobe for an old size.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    I recently did a restart for my starting weight, but my original weight was about 30 pounds higher than I am now. I lost it all with no thought to clean eating. Calories in vs Calories out for weight loss.
  • idacrue
    idacrue Posts: 5 Member
    Until I got here I never heard of "clean eating", and while loosing weight I exercised and counted calories period. In my opinion, the worst way to loose weight is to deprive yourself of the things you like to eat.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    ME - more or less eaten what I want within reason. I have been eating clean the last couple of weeks as an experiment and I must say I have lost another few pounds and been less bloated etc, so it does work - but hey we all need to live right!
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Right here.

    Actually I ate clean at first, for the "easy" pounds, and started eating dirty later on, as I became more educated.
  • citizenpioneer
    citizenpioneer Posts: 37 Member
    I eat cleanER just because it's easier to stay within my allotted calories. And regularly exercising makes me want to eat better because it makes me feel better, so it kind of happened naturally that way. But yes, I had two candy bars yesterday and regularly eat chips of all kinds. I imagine if you hit a plateau or something, eliminating junk foods would kickstart weight loss, but if it's working now don't worry about it.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I eat dirty sometimes but as long as I'm within my cal goal I keep losing weight. If I go over one day I might eat less the next.
  • lola0003
    ME! I hate anything that's healthy so if I ate it now I would just gain the weight back when iv done my diet.. I eat my set calories but eating food that's not brill.. and I lose weight x
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I know this is an old thread with recent replies, but I'm jumping in. I've lost 32 pounds eating in the way I always have, I just eat less of it now.

    I do wash my vegetables and fruit prior to consumption so if that's eating clean then I definitely do it.

    However, if eating clean means eating nothing but fruits and vegetables, organic meat or no meat at all, nuts that aren't roasted and salted, no eating out, and yummy treats, then I DO NOT eat clean.

    I usually say "can't win for losing," but in this case I can say, "I won for losing 32 pounds on good old fashioned food!"
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    in...for the dead horse...

    seriously, this is like the 20th thread on clean eating this week...

    and all these months and threads later we still don't know what it means