did 10 on the elliptical and 30 on the treadmill while my hubby did his P90X video. Happy with myself today!
thanks so much! going to start doing every day. Great to do in front of the tv!
Not doing the best this week but happy I got on the treadmill for 40 minutes today. Felt so good, looking forward to tomorrow!
I definitely need the accountability. I'm making some good strides in eating better (better, not good, but better!) and really need ot get back to exercising. I miss feeling strong and energized! I'm setting a goal of 1600 minutes for March.
SO going to try your tip for shin splints, but I have a stupid question....when you say write the alphabet with my toe pointed out, like ballet turn out and then move at the ankles to write in the air? I'll try ANYTHING! I'm not even at the running stage and get bad shin pain from walking too fast before I'm warmed up. I…