French fries. I had a salad instead. I felt so good about overcoming my ( previously ) automatic selection that I immediately made an overseas call to my sister, who is also losing weight.
She is very bright, and has started reading, so I recently bought her the book Green eggs and ham by Dr. Seuss, and she finds it funny, so I am trying to call the food she doesn't want to eat green eggs, and most of the timeshe will try it. I'm just worried she''ll develop her dad' eating habits later.
see it as extra calories burnt. my three girlfriends and I do zumba at home together, in the living room, with 5 kids under 7 running around, between and under us. it was frustrating at first, but we adapted, n now get a cool workout
The good news is that she loves yogurt, sees it as a type of ice cream, so she just made a face at him and kept on eating it. I have seen a change in the vegetables she eats, though, and that might be where the problem starts
Hi, I'm 5' 2" and 156 lbs. Started here a few days ago, looking to lose at least 7 lbs by end of summer.
it ish't husband bashing. it is the facts. I an 5' 2" and 156 lbs. my husband is 5' 11" and has never been over 134 lbs. every time I try to cook healthy foods, he accuses me of trying to kill him by feeding him rabbit food. he also gets upset when I buy bran / whole wheat bread. that in itself was bad enough, but I caught…