licktat Member


  • I am a bit confused too. But my guess is that he makes the oatmeal as directed, then mixes in premade pudding. Sounds delish! Fish mentioned using almond milk too. I want to tell you all the basic almond milk, ( not flavored) is a great sub for water or milk in oatmeal. It is low cal, adds a nice background flavor, and…
  • I'm 6'5"..... I will have to say there is a lot of whining in here for what I consider a blessing. I used to complain because of limited shoe availability, but I have found that buying shoes online is actually cheaper and easier. Likewise, because I am tall I am convinced it helps me in my career. I think people pay…
  • Noooooo, but I'm naked right now. What's the point losing weight and toning up if you don't flaunt it in the mirror!?!? It's 20 out and my lab is warming my toes
  • I read it to try and gain insight into what turns women on. Strangely, I AM interested in that! I was hoping to find out some helpful nuggets to use, but I came away with the concept that women's fantasies don't even come close to anything real. You have a model handsome man in his 20's that is a billionaire that flies his…
  • I read some of your oatmeal additions, and played with my bland oatmeal, and created... Ambrosia. I have been loving MFP and it works for me. I had a sweet tooth before MFP, and even though I don't crave as many sweets and desserts, I have to find ways to satisfy the itch. I had been putting honey in my cream of wheat, and…
  • You look fantastic! Good for you! I bet you feel out of this world. I know I do!
  • John Wayne Ronald Reagan Barry Obama With me there, I think Barry will Have three people willing to challenge his stance on a variety of issues. Could be fun! I can here Reagan laugh and say, "there he goes again! You can tell he is lying because his ears stick out." John Wayne will stand over him and impress on him that…
  • I joined this group as an incentive for you all. I am down 49 lbs since late July. So essentially, I will have lost 50 pounds in six months. I hit a plateau, in October, but I didn't give up. I think the plateau was aggravated by my cheating on the diet. That said, you can fight through your expected cheating on the diet…
  • Before my healthy lifestyle I was a huge fan of Paula Dean, and I still am. Great lady. That said I love to cook and on Sunday I have all my kids and their kids for dinner and Dad is expected to cook. They don't want bean sprouts, so one week I was craving fried chicken, so I played with this recipe until I had it right.…
  • I set a goal that seemed daunting. (62 lbs.) but I soon forgot I even set a goal because I was having fun using fitness pal. It is a sort diet game. The software has saved my butt a few times. For instance I travel for work and it is easy to go off a diet when eating in restaurants. But recently I set up lunch at BW3, and…