

  • If you've got that many calories to go I think you should eat SOMETHING, but nothing major ... I can't sleep if my stomach is growling I don't know about you... you don't want to eat that entire 900 calories but maybe something under 300 calories that has some protein... just a suggestion.
  • I just started this low carb on Monday and I've lost four pounds this week after being kinda STUCK for the past several weeks. I know I feel better on it already and the weight loss seems to be good but of course this is only the first week. I plan on sticking to this as long as I see consistent weight loss week to week,…
  • Exactly what I was thinking! :smile: Also, everyone does plateau at times, so sometimes you need to change up the routine a little. For example, if you do the same set of exercises over and over, your body doesn't get challenged frequently, so it might help to do something you haven't done before... e.g. if you always do…
  • Best to work out regularly, no matter what time of day! If you try to schedule it in at a time of day that suits you, you can keep it up and even enjoy it... if you're trying to force it at a time of day that doesn't work, it reeeaaally feels like too much work and then you'll be more tempted to put it off. :happy:
  • :flowerforyou: Welcome -- I'm starting this year with a new attitude myself, and this site is amazing so you will find it well worth joining. The only tips I have for you right now are: Never ever give up. You're not alone - there are friends here who can support you and make suggestions and answer questions and even just…
  • I think it would depend on what type of cleanse - there are some that don't because you still eat, but you eat clean foods, like just raw vegetables and fruits and get your protein from plain broiled or grilled chicken breast. These type apparently take a little longer for you to gain the benefits of the 'cleanse' but you…
  • I think the recommended protein tends to be low anyway, so I think you're better off with a little extra protein.