

  • I am the same way I detest going to the gym I think it stems from back in my school days I was always training for a sport, now that i'm an adult and don't play sports I have no motivation. The gym I go to doesn't have actual classes with teachers they call they "virtual classes" which is a fancy way of saying the same…
  • Yeah that sounds a little low to me maybe try getting one of body bugs that you wear on your arm that counts steps, heart rate and calorie burn.
  • Yeah i've done Zumba and the teacher was wearing a calorie tracker for an hour you burn about 450 to 500 calories
    in Zumba Comment by tarac93 February 2011
  • I like to make breakfast burritos, I use 1 egg and a serving of the egg whites put some Mrs Dash seasoning in it cook with mushrooms and spinach and i will use the light flatbread with a sprinkle of cheese and fresh pico de gallo. It's delicious and keeps you full for hours.