Elliptical trainer calorie burn

Hey guys,

So our new Kettler elliptical trainer arrived on Friday, I tried it out and managed 30 minutes on a manual setting at resistance level 8 (my legs and arms were aching within 10 mins), I had already keyed in my weight (166lbs) and was wearing the waist strap that connects to the machine to calculate my calorie burn and HR. I was so disappointed when I came off dripping with sweat with a total calorie burn of a measly 102 (in 30 minutes!!). Does anyone agree with me that this is way too low?

When i am working out on the elliptical at the gym I would burn over 300 calories doing 30 minutes on an interval setting and this would be after entering my weight also.

Seeing only 102 calories burnt on the one at home made me lose motivation :(

Anyone know where I could have gone wrong or any advice please?


  • tarac93
    Yeah that sounds a little low to me maybe try getting one of body bugs that you wear on your arm that counts steps, heart rate and calorie burn.
  • Elli0tt
    Not even 3 hours ago I did 25 minutes on an elliptical on the cardio setting and burned 380 calories, I stayed above 8.5 mph the whole time tho. It was no joke. I would def think that was way low.