Getting fit for summer!

I'm not training just to loose weight, although that's where the highest motivational source is at.
I honestly want to feel better in my own skin, be more positive, feel better about ME.
Soooo it's February and I've decided to try and really push it through so I can look good when the sun starts shining.
If ur in the same boat, just need some support, motivation(the hardest part for me isn't doing the work, but getting to the gym. I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to stupid excuses!) , someone to talk about it with or just share tips; Please let me know :)
I'm currently working on getting threw the Jillian 30day shred and running some morning, next weeks I'm gonna drop by the center and see what classes they have available. I used to do Powerbody and spinning so maybe something like that!

And hey whenever u feel like giving up, just push it trough and remember Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most


  • tarac93
    I am the same way I detest going to the gym I think it stems from back in my school days I was always training for a sport, now that i'm an adult and don't play sports I have no motivation. The gym I go to doesn't have actual classes with teachers they call they "virtual classes" which is a fancy way of saying the same thing I can do in my living room on my tv but they do have 35 different things to pick from so I try and do something different each time.
    Let me know how that 30 day shred goes I may give it a try. Make sure you get some strenth training in there it helps burn more calories. The best way I have found to get myself to the gym when I wake up I think about what I want to do for a workout and get straight into my gym cloths because usually if I have them on i'll get out the door lol.