aiw4ever Member


  • i keep forgetting to tell what my steps were each day. but mon-fri its been 11,000-13,000 and weekends its been like 5,000 : (
  • i have been doing 10,000 steps in october but i forgot to join the group lol. im at 7,043 right now and the day has just began for me.
  • when i type in zumba it comes up. and there is a website "" u put it ur weight n how long u did it and it will tell u what u burned off. . i always take off 50 or 100 cal's if i didnt really work as hard as i could have.
  • if u want to join plz add me as a friends if u havent already so we can keep in touch! that is a great thing to do! i know that saying i want to lose 50 pounds scares me!! so i do the same thing i just tell myself nope i just need to lose 10 pounds then when i do ill start again sayin just 10 pounds till i get to 50. i…
  • i am new to fitness pal. i use the app on my phone most of the time. i gained alot of weight when i was married then when we got a divorce i lost SO MUCH! but then when i started dating i slowly gained it back. . . i have gained more than ever and im trying to lose 50 pounds but i would be ok with just losing 30. i would…