

  • Yesterday was a wash. Today is a new day. I think it always helps to use the food notes in the app so you can note how you are feeling during days you go over. Were you having a stressful day, first day of your cycle, new medication, etc. to help you pin if there is some trigger. As long as you don't continue to have…
  • You look great! I love 30 Day Shred! I'm doing Ripped in 30 and I think you will like it too! Jillian in brutal in it. I'm only in Week 2 and I can't imagine how beastly it will get in weeks 3 and 4.
  • Cardio is a good way to burn calories and you can do it everyday. The experts recommend you give 48 hours rest when working major body parts with weight. So do legs one day, back another, chest another etc. Strength building will build and tone muscles which will ultimately help you lose weight. Good luck girl!