

  • Your sweat is pulling out all the bad stuff in your skin (i.e. makeup that you didn't get off before, dirt, excess oil). Wash your face right after you work out so that that stuff doesn't get reabsorbed into your skin and then moisturize and you should be good to go. If that doesn't work try using an deeper exfoliant to…
  • Salad dressing really isn't that bad as long as you eat it in moderation, just figure out how many calories you can afford to add to your salad and eat that serving size. You'll be surprised how little salad dressing you need to add a lot of flavor. And salad dressing gets a bad rap, as long as you eat it in moderation you…
  • I had that, but I've found that if I stretch my upper back after workouts it helps. Remember you're not just working your legs when you run, so that could be it. If that doesn't help you might want to talk to a doctor.
  • Just set a reasonable goal, like 10 pounds, where you can;t drink until you lose that. That way you lose the weight and you lower your tolerance so that you can drink less when you do decide to drink again. My friend also told me that she budgeted 400 calories for drinking on days she knew she was going out. Hope that…
  • When I was set to lose 2 lbs a week, I ate back my exercise calories or else I didn't have enough energy to make it through the day. Once I;m set to lose only 1 lb a week I probably won't eat them back. My fitness pal can link to a lot of apps that more accurately measure how many calories you burn, like mapmyrun. Also,…
  • Batiste dry shampoo is the best, and if I don't have a lot of time to straighten/curl it I usually just do a quick braid or bun. There are tons of tutorials on YouTube that usually show you how to do a quick and cute hairstyle.