Post workout Acne

Hi everyone, I started doing Insanity workout a while back, currently in week 3. I can feel my body changing but recently I have started noticing boils on my face. Every morning I get to see a new white head, some say that my body is just trying to adjust to the routine. I would like to know if anyone else had the same problem while doing Insanity, and is it normal. Are there any remedies for this, OR should I just wait till it goes away?
Also I have been taking Asparagus racemosus powder to clean out the toxins.

I would be grateful to talk to someone who has gone through a similar problem.

Keep Sweating!


  • ehlanadriscoll
    Your sweat is pulling out all the bad stuff in your skin (i.e. makeup that you didn't get off before, dirt, excess oil). Wash your face right after you work out so that that stuff doesn't get reabsorbed into your skin and then moisturize and you should be good to go. If that doesn't work try using an deeper exfoliant to scrub your face. Hope that helps!