

  • it was so good! definitely better than the revenge season 2 premire.
  • what about the game of thrones series? by george r.r. martin? i have been hearing about this book a lot recently
    in good books Comment by kap89 April 2012
  • ii really enjoyed the uglies series by scott westerfield! this thread is going to be good for me since i am compiling a summer reading list!
    in good books Comment by kap89 April 2012
  • bump
    in TurboFire Comment by kap89 April 2012
  • omg! thats exactly what i was about to post! i vote jax! its a name you can add things to.. jaxster jaxxie etc etc. i like names that you can add puppy talk tooooooo
  • I am on pottermore and i cant say i really love it or anything. it is kind of boring besides the scavenger hunt part. i was really excited about the sorting but i felt the quiz was too short and the questions were a little strange, like left or right? so anyways. its meh idk what myhogwarts is..is it created by the people…
  • I would do something like this as well! WOO!
  • 22!!! duecessssssssssssssss! Feel free to add! :)
  • I do absolutely love this show! I really hope Emma starts to believe and more things start to happen! Also, Gold made a Deal with Regina, but didnt he make a deal with MM or was it Emma? Either way there is some sort of double deal Gold has going on (not surprised) so it will be interesting to know what side he is truly…
  • im in!! but i have no idea what I am supposed to do! :)
  • i love pump up the jam - technotronic.. i also love the puma soccer channel on pandora.. i find i work out better when I kind of know the song.. if I know it too well it is boring and if i dont know it at all then i usually skip it haha.. i find pandora or iheartradio the best! :) if those dont work, i usually go to a…
  • anyone can add me! i love commenting and reading fun comments! my name is kristin. im a senior in college studying science (I LOVE SCIENCE O.o), i love to read and im obsessed with makeup and nail polish.. !!!!!
  • I need friends! it helps when you have a few people to comment and follow.. i have only 2 friends and one never posts... help? :)
  • WOW! you are such an inspiration! My senior year of high school I was none weight bearing for 6 months because of my knee surgery. I weighed 154 at 5'4. I am currently 162 5'4 senior in college and am finally committing to losing weight. I have been trying here and there but with no commitment.. Seeing that someone my…