

  • 1. How tall are you? 5'2" 2. Where were u born? Seattle 3. Fav vacation spot. It's a toss up between Aruba, Lisbon, London and San Fran. 4. Fav thing to do on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Sit outside on a sunny afternoon and read. 5. Are u a dog or cat person? Dog.
  • Just finished 19 Minutes by Jodi Picoult. It was such a good book, I couldn't put it down. And now I'm reading Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. It's such a thought provoking story.
  • That was it. Thank you!
  • A few months ago someone posted a great recipe for "brocamole." It was a replacement for guacamole that used 1 avocado and 1 head of broccoli steamed and other ingredients. I tried using the search function and wild cards, but I can't seem to find it. Does anyone have this recipe still? Thanks!
  • Thanks! I think I'll get a small tub and try it out.
  • Oh, so plain yogurt tastes more like sour cream than just a creamy mixer?
  • Is plain yogurt an ok subsitute for mayo? I was going to use that for tuna or chicken salad, but I wasn't sure if it was going to taste funky and I didn't want to buy a tub of plain yogurt and have to throw it out if it wasn't going to work. Thanks!
  • I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it, ah, no who am I kidding, no I'm not. Britney. I :heart: her music for working out. Her last CD (Blackout) was so delightful and is always in the workout music rotation.
  • What about the Annie's cheesy bunnies? They're like cheez-its. I see them at Whole Foods and Trader Joes all of the time. If not, then I second the 100 cal snack packs. Just make sure you only eat 1 snack pack though.
  • I'm home from my whirlwind tour of Europe (Madrid, Lisbon and London) and I'm happy to report I didn't gain any weight! :happy: Since we were walking around (I'm guestimating 5-6 miles a day) my legs are feeling pretty muscular. Also, if anyone hasn't heard of these flip flops, they're amazing. They called Fit Flops and…
  • Congrats! :drinker:
  • Congrats! It's not silly. You can't lose 2 lbs without losing your first pound. :flowerforyou:
  • Trader Joes makes really good sweet potato fries. All you have to do is bake for about 20ish minutes and they're tasty and crispy. For 3oz it's 190 cals and 9 g of fat
  • Yippie! Yippe! Yippie! I'm "working" from home this morning and heading to vacation in 6 short hours! Yippie! Yippe! Yippie! Happy Friday all! :drinker:
  • Personally, I find scrapbooks a bit kitchsy and tacky, so my answer would be no. (I prefer my pictures matted and framed or in a simple photo album.) You could advertise your services on etsy.com or craigslist. Also theknot.com might be a good place to go to too. You have to pay a little bit to sell on etsy, but craiglist…
  • Seattle! :bigsmile:
  • :laugh: Looking at my purse you'd probably think I collect hair rubber bands :bigsmile:
  • I'm (obviously) bored at work and just curious to see if anyone collects anything? I collect Starbucks City Mugs. I buy a mug each time I visit a new city. I have about 20 of them right now and I've run out of room to store them. I also collect sunglasses (about 15 pairs which is kinda funny because I only use them for…
  • So I've been sitting here flipping through a magazine and it just really hit me, no matter how hard I try I will probably never have the body of one of the magazine girls. I've known about the airbrushing that mags do, but holy crap. It really hit me like a truck that it's just so unattainable. *sigh* Why in the world do…
  • Ooh so jealous! I really want to go to Greece within the next year or 2. I'm heading to Spain and Portugal in 2 days though! :bigsmile:
    in Greece! Comment by uwhuskygirl June 2008
  • Probably not necessary, but definitely nice to have. Just make sure you use it then it actually becomes worth it.
  • I will have to say this isn't something that we fight about at all. He's really neat and will pick up things without me asking. And as soon as we're done with dinner he jumps up and starts loading the dishwasher right away. Also, hiring a house cleaner was the best money we ever spent. It frees up our time and we don't…
  • I get to the point where I think to my self I've been running (or whatever) for X amount of minutes. 5 more isn't going to kill me. Then 5 turns into 10. And then after 10 minutes of telling myself this my body has figured out the trick. At least I can trick my body for 10 minutes. :ohwell:
  • oh. Haha, I've been cautiously waiting all day for something that isn't going to happen with this tea. :laugh: I guess I'll go pick up some of the other stuff. Thanks
  • So I bought some detox tea and had my first cup last night. I brewed 1 bag in about 14 ounces of water and let it steep (covered) for almost 10 minutes. I haven't detoxed anything. Am I doing something wrong? Should I use less water? More tea bags? Thanks.
  • Huh? I don't get it. Why does 8 ounces of asparagus have 190 calories? It doesn't seem like asparagus should have that much. Does anyone know why?
  • 2 lbs in 12 days isn't bad at all! A lot of it is probably water weight and it'll probably come off pretty quickly.
  • Ummmm.... I have something to admit. :embarassed: I may have gotten some detox tea at the store tonight. I'm having a cup right now. I know how some of you feel about this stuff, but I leave for vacation (swimsuit eek!) next week and I just feel so gross right now. I'm hoping that one cup of this stuff will help me feel…
  • "An enema is almost a symbol of our region." (from the article) If I lived there I'd want a different symbol. Couldn't they have picked a pretty flower, bird or tree? :noway: