

  • I would love to join the group. My name is Crystal and I'm from NC. I have right at 120 to lose and need all the help I can get.
  • just wanted to say welcome. i can understand how stress can cause weight gain and you have been through a lose like that its only natural for some of us to turn to food. we are here to help you and support you. do you mind me adding you as a friend and if you ever need someone to talk too know i'm here.
  • Welcome! I'm going to add you to my buddy list. I love this site. Congrads on the lose! Even with the "slight" gain you have done awesome! And I'm sure you can be a great inspiration to people! You are already to me
  • I dont think you could have found a better community to join. I've been here almost a month and already have lost 10lbs. Its a great support system. Feel free to add me as a friend! Good luck on your journey.
  • That is such a hard question. I couldnt imagine my life without my husband, but I know he would want me to be happy. You are raising your daughter alone, and that is huge. I will be praying for you and that the Lord will send you someone to comfort you. Until then, you have all your friends here.
  • You sound like you are in the same boat as I am. Its hard when you know you have so much to lose. What I am doing is where I have some from. When I first started this journey I was up to 363. I'm still at 290, but I'm down almost 100lbs. We can do this. This site is truly amazing. You will find all the encouragement you…