To soon?

Is it wrong or disrespectful if I start dating again. I lost my husband almost a year ago and I miss him dearly. But I am lonely. He was such a good man. I would never want to disrespect his memory. I am just so lonely and I want to live again.


  • Anna19911
    I think thats a question only you can answer. Do it if thats what you feel is right.
  • nukehiker
    I think only you can decide when it's time to date again. of course his memory will always be close and dear to your heart. are you ready for a relationship ? or you just want a companion ? if you think you are ready for a relationship I would say by all means go for it !!! but of course tread softly and you will know when it's right. best of luck to you !

  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    I am sorry for your loss! I do think its something that YOU have to decide! Life is funny ... a dear friend of mine lost her husband and met a man on the flight from his funeral to her parents house... they dated for a short time and have now been married for 6 years. On the other side I have my uncle who his wife passed 20 years ago and he has never felt ready to start dating again... I wish he would as he is a wonderful man with a lot to offer. You never know when the time is right!
  • ErinJ1981
    I'm sorry for your loss. My father in law passed away very unexpectedly almost 3 years ago. My mother in law is still in very much pain. She tried dating again but she just wasn't ready for it. You will know when you are ready. I'm sure you are lonely because you miss your husband, but that might not be a good enough reason to start dating again. Listen to your heart...
  • nsmith1978
    I agree that only you can decide that! It must be very hard raising your duaghter by yourself. There are so many single mother's out there. Maybe try finding support groups and lean on friends to help fill the void.
  • LilyTexas
    Thanks to all of you. Everyone here seems so nice.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Is it wrong or disrespectful if I start dating again. I lost my husband almost a year ago and I miss him dearly. But I am lonely. He was such a good man. I would never want to disrespect his memory. I am just so lonely and I want to live again.

    You answered your own question. You asked because you want to. Do you think your husband would want you to feel the way you do? If he loved you he would want you to be happy. Your never going to forget him, right! But it is Ok to be happy!
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I think everyone on here is right, miss. Only you can decide. I will say a prayer for you.
  • MydniteJypsy
    That is such a hard question. I couldnt imagine my life without my husband, but I know he would want me to be happy. You are raising your daughter alone, and that is huge. I will be praying for you and that the Lord will send you someone to comfort you. Until then, you have all your friends here.
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    I am so sorry for you loss. I agree with everyone here that you ultimately are the only one that can make the decision to move forward. I wouldn't think it would be disrespectful at all and I am sure that your husband wouldn't want you to be lonely. You deserve to be happy and in love again, but when you feel you are ready
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    I think you answered your own question in asking it..
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    So sorry for your loss and I agree only you can determine when the time is right and it seems you think it might be now
    Why don't u test the waters and see how you feel..take it slowly
  • superninjatam
    superninjatam Posts: 44 Member
    Your husband would want you to be happy. So do what you think will make you happy.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    first of all, i'm very sorry for your loss. i don't know what i'd do if i lost my husband. that said, you have to do what you feel in your heart is right. don't worry about what anyone else thinks. when my brother passed away, his wife seemed to move on too quickly - for ME. but it's not about me or anyone else. it's about that person. if you feel uneasy about it, ask yourself if it's because *you* don't feel right about it, or because you're afraid of what others might say. i'm fairly certain your husband would not want you to be miserable or lonely. be thankful and happy that you had him in your life and for all the good he brought to you and your family. always cherish the memories and hold him in your heart, but know that your heart's big enough to love again:)
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    would it be disrespectful no.. the real question is are you ready for it? have you healed from the loss as you dont want to bring that into your next relationship. you shouldnt feel guilty about this at all, sadly it is something that happens in life, i cant imagine what you're going through, but like everyone else has said only you will no when its time.