Sozu Member


  • Via the app or mobile mode it's harder to find but if you go to ones profile you shall find a buddy icon. I tried add you using it and seems like it was sending friend invite :) However desktop mode on phone (or if you use computer) it's easier to find add friend function.
  • All is about deficit. I suggest drinking loads of water as well, both good for keep you feel full for a period as well as other benefits such as enhancing skin. Start log your meals on MyFitnessPal daily, make it a habit! And you will see where it goes uphill as well other members in this thread can give you advice. Also:…
  • EAAAAAAAT! (why you are skinny, by Pete), great tips on that video. Surplus calories = gaining weight. Gaining muscles? get on the surplus calories and MAKE PROGRESS WITH THE LIFTS. Go heavier and heavier at the weight, be on a surplus calorie everyday. Get your macros done,…
  • Ohh okay. Well, I am not sure but I would think you probably doing it right and that you're making progress. However it just gone 3 days, keep on going, if it feels too easy, try make it harder. Depending on the goal of the DVD workouts, for losing weight it's all about calorie deficit, always been, always will. To also…
  • Jag är lite sen på svara :D verkar vara ganska dött här.. Hur har det gått? :D såg på din profil att målet är/var 1:a Juli, nått det? :) Jag addade dig, själv deffar jag just nu och ska gå ner ett par kilogram till, klar till Augusti någon gång :)
    in hej ny här Comment by Sozu July 2014
  • Yeah, you should see them more as motivation. They probably been fat, they maybe been 25 lbs overweight, but they've just now worked it out. Should they get kicked from gym once they reach the goal? :D haha Well, you know, to lose weight you don't even have to go to the gym. If you like skinny people and wanna get skinny,…
  • Uh, what? What's that 30 day shred? something I must have missed. Anyway, what I understand of your text, you're doing some kind of exercise with weights (water bottles?), and you wonder if you're doing it wrong due you feel you can lift heavier and heavier after just some day? If I understood it correctly, well, it's hard…
  • Well, so far you done an awesome job really! You been doing great progress I see on the photos as well. What's your length? and what's your weight goal? Maybe continue cut down in weight and that last fat will go away :) I suggest both cardio and strength training.
  • Hey, I would recommand you to have a look at scoobys guide if you already haven't -> ( ). There you got plenty of great tips of how you may be able to lose some. Simply, drink lots of water, never drink calories (meaning, you shall always drink water or…
  • I've been gluten intolerant since I were very small (just a few years old). If you think you might be gluten intolerant, go talk with the doctors and let them check it up. Gluten food ain't no need really, you can live without it. There are also lots of gluten-free options.
  • Kämpa på gubbar och kvinnor :D
    in Tagga :D Comment by Sozu July 2013
  • Added you :D